
Showing posts from March, 2015

And Then He Said...

This blog has taken a turn toward the introspective. I know I mentioned recently that I have a lot of "unpacking" to do, and while I tend to avoid airing all my laundry online, there are some things that I think are worth sharing. Not a current picture, but a vision of what's to come. The other day one of our daughters pranced into the kitchen and made some remark that prompted Mark to say, "You have a good self-esteem." She had no idea what that meant and wanted an explanation. Mark's words struck me. I haven't asked him if they were his own or if he picked them up elsewhere. Really, that's not the point. He said, "It's seeing yourself as God sees you." It's not I see me. Mark sees me. my children see me. my friends see me. the world sees me. I think the thing that makes this so striking is that in each of those not sentences, there are people who are fitter, smarter, prettier, more ...

Genetic Screening: Why I say "No Thanks"

It is my entirely unbiased opinion that I have the best OB in the world. ...and I mean no offense to my brother-in-law who also happens to be an OB. When I saw her yesterday, for my 2-week-overdue 20 week appointment, she asked if we'd discussed genetic screening for this pregnancy. I said no we hadn't, but that I always pass. For the sake of full disclosure on her part, she mentioned that there's a new blood test that samples my  blood, i.e., non-invasive for baby, that looks for chromosomal abnormalities in fetal cells in my bloodstream. With zero risk to baby, some may say, "Sure, why not?" However, my knee-jerk reaction was to decline the test. On my 25 minute drive home, I had a chance to examine that reaction and assess if I was sure I wanted to decline. After all, we always get the 20-week ultrasound (or in this case, the 22+ week ultrasound) which examines baby's whole body - was this blood test any different? My conclusion is that it is quite di...