A Peek at the Heart
Shifting gears from unpacking to unpacking - from the house to the heart. This seems so impossible, like a million mile journey that must be summarized into a walk around the block. Somehow the events of life: Moving, Mark's Dad dying, reading The Hiding Place, ISIS, the beginning of Lent have all woven themselves into the tapestry of my daily life, creating highlights and deep shadows, places for joy, sorrow, and deep contemplation. The summary of it all is a quote that I found in The Hiding Place: The center of His will is our only safety. His will is our hiding place. Let us pray that we may always know it. As soon as I read those lines, I knew they were meant for me to cling to. I was sad to discover that they've been co-opted by the Prosperity Gospel crowd. I'm convinced that while these lines may include physical safety, they are a promise of our spiritual safety if we abide in the center of God's will. As we moved... As we witnessed the grac...