Homeschool Wednesday

We have a cold running through our house. I managed to be the last man standing, but Sunday evening I realized I was unusually cold and tired. After a hot shower I was in bed at the same time as the kiddos.

Monday morning found me with a hoarse voice which convinced Iain that I really 'n truly wasn't feeling well. Not an entirely bad deal, since he was instantly very helpful, all the while explaining that he was going to be very helpful. And he was. Until my voice recovered. Then he was over it.

Wanting to keep the kiddos occupied without a lot of effort on my part, and without resorting to videos, which are my parenting nemesis. I can't stand their behavior after watching anything. I turned to one of my favorite websites: Free audio book versions of books in the public domain. If you have kiddos who love to be read to, you must try it. Most of the morning we listened to Peter Pan. 

The kiddos have also enjoyed:

Beatrix Potter
Just So Stories
Aesop's Fables

Some that we look forward to listening to:

The Jungle Book
The Little Engine that Could
Raggedy Ann/Andy Stories
The Velveteen Rabbit
Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales

Are there any children's books [in the public domain] that you particularly love?

And, just for fun, here's another addition of Items Not Where They Should Be.

Spiderman's dance partner.

Disc golf discs in the tupperware lid drawer. Put there by...


Anna said…
I remember really loving The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. I think my 5 year old would be ready for it. A few month ago by husband read The Reluctant Dragon (also by Grahame) aloud to my son and they really enjoyed it, which is saying something, since my husband is really picky when it comes to children's lit. Unlike The Wind in the Willows it is short enough to read in one sitting, probably under an hour. We've also read Pinochio aloud, although that one I would recommend with a high level of parental involvement since it's kind of scary for children (My kids weren't scared but it is a serious subject matter. Pretty hard natural consequences for misbehavior).
I've looked at librivox before but haven't used it because all these books I've hoped to read aloud to my children myself. But maybe I should just accept that this isn't going to happen, not with ALL of them anyway.

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